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A is for Awesome Aswini!
Friday, May 21, 2010

May 9(Saturday)

Went out with Aswini to gt her Pri sch best fren, Sathrin's bday gift. She wanted to gt for her a Jay Sean poster so went to Bras Bersah Plaza. Its somewhr in Raffles,i think. We had some prob finding the place but somehw managed to find it. Ordered our poster. Had to wait for lyk a hour so decided to goto Raffles City to eat lunch at Burger King. We had this meal which had this super nice BBQ sauce. Ohh and I bought her a this small pouch which she soo badly wanted. She was damn surprised which made soo proud of myself. Hahas. Since the nxt day was Mother's Day,we decided to buy lovely flowers for our mums. I bought mummy yellow roses which looked soo pretty! Then we walked back to collect the poster. It came out real nice and Aswini was really happy. Aft that took pics and left for hm. It was nice to spend time wif her(=
Went back hm and gave my mum the flowers. She liked it alot but say why i waste my money and buy the flowers. Hahas. On Mothers' Day,got up early to cook for her but she was already awake so my plan failed. Damn! But i tried to help her wash the dishes and stuff. Love you mum! (:

May 14(Friday)

After Tamil Focus,went to CWP cinema to watch The Losers wif Aswini. It was a really funny movie. I really liked the movie. Glad i watched it wif her. Aft that went to Burger King to have lunch. Aft tt stood outside BK,thinking abt wad to do nxt and ended up talking for a hr. We decided to go hm cos we knew CWP was too boring to do anythg fun. So sent Aswini to her bus and then went back hm! (=

Favourite quotes in the movie:

Pooch : The Pooch may lie, the Pooch may steal, the Pooch may...
Jensen : The Pooch may refer to himself in the third person?
Pooch : Occasionally, but the Pooch will not cheat.
Jensen : The Pooch can relax. I was worried about Cougar.
Pooch : Yeah, right, it's always the quiet ones.

Jensen : [trying to hit on Aisha] Hi.
Aisha, cleaning her gun, ignores him]
Jensen : Where are you from? Originally?
Aisha : The wilds of Northern Africa.
Jensen : Wow. So that must have been... sandy...
awkward pause]
Jensen : Do you have any hobbies?
Aisha : When I was little, I collected human ears.

Clay : I'm sorry I hit you in the face.
Roque: I'm sorry I threatened to cut your head off.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Im going crazy over GLEE! I cant gt enough of it.
I think its an awesome programme with an awesome cast.
You shd hear their music. Its really good.
Whenever i listen to them,i feel soo happy.
I spent 2 hrs on Sat just downloading their music.
I just love the show soo much. It in my Fav TV Show list.

Ohh and i really think i gt a thing for guys who can play guitar!
Lyk Tim Urban,Andrew Garcia,Kris Allen and others.
I was just thinking abt it and came up wif this conclusion.

Anw,Happy 1 yr to Siti Nur Elisha!
We're nt going on or anythg kay!
According to El,its been 1 yr since we become best friends.
The actual date is 28.04
Thats day,we first went out.

She's just an awesome girlfriend to have.
I Love Her Alot!


Wow, its May already. Time past soo fast.
Kay,this is my 1st post for my favourite month.

Labour weekend was okay.
Went out for lunch wif family on Sun aft.
Other than tt,was just doing hw,playing comp,revising and watching tv.

Ohh and you know,StarHub was being nice and let us have a preview of all the channels till Sun.
Soo i took this opportunity to watch as much as i could. I was mostly wayching Star Movies and HBO Hits. I watched soo many movies during the weekend eh. But of course,i did study first la.

I watched :

Thats abt it, i think.
I had a great time watching all these movies.

Ohh and im extremely depressed tt both Tim Urban and Andrew Garcia.
I liked them both alot. I was super upset eh.
Nw,i dunno who to support. Most probably Lee or Big Mike.

They look so adorable right? Hahas.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Meet the Parents session went really well yst.
Good grades and good comments. Im glad.

Today was the StarHub Freestyle Run in which im a volunteer.
I was really excited cos i have nvr been a volunteer in such a big scale event.
So met up wif Elisha,Atikah and Ameera. It was a long train ride and we were just talking abt random stuff throughout the whole journey.
Once we reached the place,it was raining. But managed to find Serene.
Then signed up and listened to impt instructions.
Lunch frm NYDC was yummy!
Ohh and we had to wear a volunteer shirt which fit me nicely. I was soo happy cos its been a long time since i gt a fitting dri fit shirt. And i really like the shirt.

Then Chels and i went to gt the NPCC peeps.
We were all split into grps. Thank god,i had Priya.
We had 2 hrs to spare so we took pics and talked to the other volunteers.

I was super excited once the race started. And when the first runner came running down,i cheered for him lyk a mad woman. He smiled at me. Yay! Hahas.

I really like being a volunteer. Yes,we do stand thr for hrs just shouting words of encouragement. But when those runners say thank you and smile or hi-5 me, i'll feel soo happy. Lyk i've done somethg great. Ohh and some runners are soo funny. They asked me for my flag and stuff. And 1 even just grabbed Priya's flag without asking. It was hillarious.

But i think the funniest would have to be when this whole bunch of malay guys wif 1 indian guy wif them bullied me. They came to me and say " Eh,you volunteer right? My indian fren think you very small and cute. He wants ur no. Erm,nvm ah. Just add him on facebook kay? ". They even brought him infront of me and told me to rmb his face. They also told me his name but i forgot. I was too shocked that i didnt say anythg except for just nodding my head.
Crazy bunch of guys,i tell you.

Aft the whole race was over,we gt our allowance of $10,a Adidas goodie bag,a form for CIP hrs tt we cn use for sch and dinner. My ribcage was starting to hurt real bad. Its been lyk tt ever since NAPFA. So i decided to leave first wif Priya. I was sad cos i had planned to stay longer wif the rest and i also didnt manage to take pics wif them. But before i left,i hugged all the girls lyk mad. Hahas.

Train ride back was fun. We both talking non-stop abt stuff. My stop came first so i left.
Once i reached hm,i bathe and here i am,blogging.
Im really tired so im gonna slp. Nights!

And before i forget, Thanks alot Serene Goh for this wonderful opportunity! (=

Surprise Surprise
Monday, April 5, 2010

April 2nd was PriyaLatha's bday.
And she arranged this bbq.
Its actually family but she invited Sherinnya and me only.
We know her family pretty well so we didnt mind.

We both wanted to surprise her so we said we couldnt make it when we could.
You shd have seen her face! Soo poor thing!
It was obvious she was sad but we still went on wif the plan.

Met up wif Sheron and then took the cab to East Coast wif Priya's mum. (Her mum was the one who gave the idea of the plan.)
Waited for the right time to surprise her.

Sheron: Hey! Whr's the food?
Me: Wth sia. I came here for the food and its nt here!
Priya: *very very shocked look* Wha-Wh-What? Omg.
Me: Happy Sweet 16!
Sheron: April Fools! (It was still Apr 1)
Priya: Arghh!! I hate yall. Yall suck.

And then she started crying cos she was too touched by our actions! Hahas.
Ohh and i finally gt to meet her cousin whom she always talks abt, Nandhini.
Played games and ate food.

When it was 12 midnight, sang her bday song and cut cake.
Then Nandhini,Sheron and me smashed her face wif her bday cake instead of feeding her.
But we made sure we didnt kenna her dress la. We're nt that mean kay.

Then Sheron's mum came to pick us up and then dropped me to my hse.

I really had fun thr wif my girls.
Wished could have stayed longer.
Ohh and was nt able to take much pics.

Anw,bet Priya had an awesome bday.
I Love You,PriyaLatha d/o SivaKumar! (=

Stupid stupid rain!
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Had library camp over the weekend. Before that,Aswini came to my hse. We had lunch and stuff and left. We were kinda late but luckily didnt get scolding. Aswini and I were in the same grp so was wif almost all the time. We played quite a no of games. And no ppl,we did nt stack books and stuff! Why do ppl always say tt? Anyways,we watched Blind Side in the night. Was an awesome movie,man! I teared soo many times eh. Hahas. Then ltr at ard 12am plus,alot of ppl started to gt hungry so ordered Mac and ate at ard 1 plus. Most of them went to slp. While,i stayed up to watch The Vampire's Assistant. But ended dozing off at the last 15 mins. Stupid right. Ended up being the last girl to slp. Went to slp and woke up wif a very sore back. Cos of the hard floor. And i was super tired. You could see that almost everybody were drained out. Played a few more games. Then had Prize Presentation in which my grp gt 2nd! Whoohooo. Then had pizza for lunch. Took 2 pieces cos graduating students. Then the embarrassing thingy happened. Was just saying OMG! all the way back hm. Yes,it was tt bad! Since Clalvin was thr when it happened,he's torturing me by imitataing wad happened to me. For the whole wk and i bet it'll continue.

Mass Run gt cancelled!!
Ahhh! Im extremely sad.
Cos i was really looking forward to it eh.
Damn unlucky!
It rained exactly when the announcement was abt to be made.
Haizz. I cant believe ppl were actually cheering lyk mad.
I just feel really bad for the PE teachers.
Sucks that Sports Carnival & Mass Run have to be ruined by the rain.
No choice but to run ard the field for out 2.4km timing.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Happy Sweet 16 to my 2 dearest friends, Sri Devi Manogaran and Tay Xin Ru!!
Both of them are my pri sch best friends and they have the same bday, 21/03
Cool right? Okay,so i wish them all the best.
And i love them to bits(=

Had a hair cut yst. And alot of ppl say this haircut was nice for me.
Im just glad tt my fringe turned out nice. Anyways thanks for the compliments!

Today aft Focus Study,walked to interchange wif MunHo. First time though. Since we have the same bag,we were talking abt it all the way till we reach the place. Then some hw the topic change to the Liverpool and ManU match.It was fun talking to him.

Kay,gt lots of work to do.
Better gt going.